Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Case of Child pornographer at Cambridge University Essay

The Case of Child pornographer at Cambridge University - Essay Example A trustworthy and recognized institution like the Cambridge University cannot send a wrong message to the international community by such irresponsible actions. Instead, the university should adopt measures which will send a significant message to the wrongdoers in child abuse. I totally agree with Kim Magi’s argument that Cambridge is disrespecting all families that have suffered due to child abuse. It is also important to note that police discovered over 1,500 images of child pornography at his Cambridge University-owned home and the Vice Chancellor seems to suggest that child pornography made at the University-owned home can be overlooked as a silly crime. The total credibility of the institution is brought into question by the Vice Chancellor’s decision and I strongly disagree with this attempt. A profound analysis of the case of child pornographer at Cambridge University confirms that University Vice Chancellor’s decision to allow Dr. Nicholas Hammond to ret urn to his job raises an important question of human morality as well as the credibility of an internationally recognized institution. Child molesters like Hammond are mass murderers and criminals against humanity. It is also important to recognize that a university professor is someone trustworthy and respectable. Nicholas Hammond is a person who has done crime against children as well as his profession. In short, Vice Chancellor’s decision to allow Dr. Nicholas Hammond to return to his job is highly condemnable and must be protested.

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